Histoire Passion - Saintonge Aunis Angoumois

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About the english version of Histoire Passion

Monday 16 April 2007, by Pierre, 3285 visites.

It would be a nonsense to build an entire english version of a french website filled with hundreds of archives written in old French.
So the english version will be only a frame with short notices introducing to the french archives.

Be indulgent with my English ... and you can contribute to this version.

Forum posts

  • Thank you for a very interesting fact finding site, I am looking forward to seeing more of the pages in English.
    I do speak french but my writing in French is terrible, so please excuse me writing it in English.
    My husband & I have lived in France for just over 16 years & have researched about the area we live in. We have just move to a new house & are interested about finding out about it. The area is called Chateau Banal in the commune of Pressignac & the house was originally the old bread oven of the chateau, but I have not been able to find anything else more about it. Maybe there wasn’t an old chateau here, but we would still like to know more about the place. It would also clear up the problem with the post office in Chabanais, as they say we our address should be "Le clos des Peyrieres" & not "Chateau Banal" but Pressignac post office say it is. Any history you find out would be gratefully received.
    Thanks again I will be keeping an eye on the site frequently.

    Regards, Jacqueline Mallett (please withhold name & e-mail address)

    • Hello Jacquie
      I’ve just seen your message and read about your address(es). Not, I’m afraid, that I’m writing because I can help. Rather to explain that I don’t think it’s likely anyone outside the commune would be able to either. I’ve found le Château Banal on the large scale ordnance map and see a line of dots and some squares which seem to mean there’s ruins or something, so there could have been a château of some kind from some time or other I suppose. Whatever, it certainly looks interesting and worth pursuing. I googled "château banal" by the way and found nothing useful.

    • Hello Jacqueline,
      your enquiry about researching the history of your property is 3 years old now, so I doubt I can help you further. I have written an article on how to research the history of your house via the taxe fonciere records - I can send you a copy if you wish - though you may have done all of that already. Reply directly to me at: markewy@btopenworld.com

  • Hello, as a local to pressignac, i do alot of reading on its history and have various sources for information, upon studying some old maps there would appear that there indeed was a house ( but is now forestry) sat possibly on the top of a hill (source geoportail maps 1950) (if your house is the one marked as with a ruin attached) you would be going up the track opposite into the forest, what appear could be walls come up on various maps, could be something, again could be nothing, the main Chateau for Pressignac would in fact be La Chauffie (now abandoned) your land would have fell under the Domaine de la chauffie (and the family Perry fall under the house of Rochechouart (Limousin) and the princes of Chabanais (Angoulmois) (Chateau de Chabanais, destroyed believed 1892), In its day the area was very important sat on the border of the Limousin and Angoulmois. if you state yours was the village oven then it may have also belonged to The Domaine de la Chauffie and possibly a larger house was close by, local historian Andre Berland says there is no mention of ’Chateau Banal’ before 1756, again meaning it could have been attached to Chauffie as Banal in french means :

    (BANAL, ALE. adj. T. de Droit féodal. Qui était soumis à une banalité. Four banal. Moulins banaux.)
    BANAL, ALE, adj. Il se dit des chôses à l’usage desquelles le Seigneur de Fief a droit d’assujétir ses Vassaux. Four banal, moulin banal.

    Chauffie owned most of the land around here up to 350 hectares, and also had various moulins in the area, a bridge and the large lake, worth a thought :)

    but firstly i’d check the top of that hill to see exactly what is there :)

    co-ords - 45.836919, 0.751533

    good luck

    View online : http://www.abandoned-france.org

  • also to note :

    Non loin du château, « une pièce d’étang appelée de la Chauffie, à M. de la Chauffie, mesurant 15 journaux et 100 carreaux ». C’est l’actuel étang communal de la Chauffie, réputé pour ses carpes! Sous la chaussée de l’étang, « un petit moulin à une meule de seigle, à M . de la Chauffie », exploité par Jean Grenet, son meunier et fermier.
    Sur la Grêne, en contrebas du château, « la maison du moulin de la Chauffie ». Le moulin lui-même est sur la paroisse de Chassenon, avec ses deux meules à seigle et son pressoir à huile.

    The second moulin of la Chauffie is located on old maps (Geoportail1820-1866) right by your house on the hill :)

    View online : http://www.abandoned-france.org

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