Histoire Passion - Saintonge Aunis Angoumois

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1894 and 2007 - Castle of Chalais (16) - Auction of paintings, tapestries and art objects from the family of Talleyrand

Thursday 3 January 2008, by Pierre, 903 visites.

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Before the presentation of the catalogue, Emile Biais explains the circumstances of the dispersal of this superb collection from the castle of Chalais (16) property of the family de Talleyrand.

Note to readers: if you know images of paintings of this sale, we can try to reconstruct the gallery of portraits of the castle of Chalais. Result in

19 paintings of 112 from the sale of 1894 visible on this page. See these paintings, click on the french flag at the top of this article.

Twenty paintings from the collection of Talleyrand in 1894 were put on sale, on June 13 and December 7, 2007, Salle Drouot in Paris, by the Auctionner Thierry de MAIGRET, whom I thank for giving me permission to use his images here.

This page of the site History Passion has enabled the expert from the sale of trace their origin.

The paintings and other objects (sales of 14-15/12/1894, and 13/06/2007 and 07/12/2007 - The tapestries (sale of 10/06/1896)

To see the catalogue and the pictures, click on the french flag at the top of the page

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